m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser — Giant log

task title



import random
from secret import flag, fast_exp
import signal

p = 0x83f39daf527c6cf6360999dc47c4f0944ca1a67858a11bd915ee337f8897f36eff98355d7c35c2accdf4555b03a9552b4bf400915320ccd0ba60b0cb7fcad723
g = 0x15a5f7dec38869e064dd933e23c64f785492854fbe8a6e919d991472ec68edf035eef8c15660d1f059ca1600ee99c7f91a760817d7a3619a3e93dd0162f7474bbf

def test():
    for _ in range(10):
        x = random.randint(1, p)
        n = random.randint(1, 20)
        m = p**n
        assert pow(g, x, m) == fast_exp(x, n)

def chall():
    n = 1000
    x = random.randint(1, p**(n-1))
    y = fast_exp(x, n)
    return x, y

def stop(signum, stack):
    print("Too slow")

def main():
    x, y = chall()
    timeout = 60
    print("Now gimme x")
    x_inp = int(input(), 16)
    if x == x_inp:
        print("Wow, impressive!")
        print("Nope, sorry")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, stop)


The main goal of the challenge is simple: we just need to calculate a discrete logarithm in very huge numbers. The challenge server generates a random number $x \in [1, p]$, calculates $y \equiv g^x \pmod{p^{1000}}$ and prints $y$, then we need to find $x$ in 60 seconds. It’s obvious that running the discrete logarithm directly will be inefficient, so we need to use a different approach.

When you see a prime power (such as $p^{1000}$ in our case), you might think of p-adic numbers. I’ll try to briefly explain what it is.

Suppose you have a prime $p$ and an integer $x$. You always can write $x$ as sum:

$$ x = a_0 \cdot p^0 + a_1 \cdot p^1 + a_2 \cdot p^2 + … $$

And $x$ represented that way is a p-adic number. You could use something similar when you wrote a number in a binary representation (2-adic). p-adic numbers extend the ordinary integer arithmetic and also have its exponential and logarithm functions. As you know, the logarithm function for numbers has the property: $\log_a{b} = \dfrac{\log{b}}{\log{a}}$, so we can express $x$:

$$ y = g^x \Rightarrow x = \log_g{y} = \dfrac{\log{y}}{\log{g}} $$

Let’s write come sage code:

# here is some interaction with the challenge server
y = get_y_from_the_server()

# declaration of p-adic integers ring with precision 1000 
Z = Zp(p, prec=1000)

# calculating the logarithm
x_Z = Z(y).log() / Z(g).log()

# lifting the solution to ordinary integers
x = x_Z.lift()

# now we can send x to the server and get the flag
flag = send_x_to_the_server(x)

Note that the numbers are really huge, for example $y$ has about 150k decimal digits.

