m0leCon CTF 2021 Teaser — Obscurity

Initial version

task title



import random
from functools import reduce
import sys
from math import log2
from secret import flag

def xor(a, b):
    return bytes(x^y for x,y in zip(a,b))

class LFSR(object):
    def __init__(self, s, p):
        self.s = s
        self.p = p

    def clock(self):
        out = self.s[0]
        self.s = self.s[1:]+[self.s[0]^self.s[(self.p)[0]]^self.s[(self.p)[1]]]
        return out

def buildLFSR(l):
    return LFSR([int(x) for x in list(bin(random.randint(1,2**l-1))[2:].rjust(l,'0'))], random.sample(range(1,l), k=2))

key = b""

print("encrypt plz [in hex]")
pt = bytes.fromhex(input().strip())

if len(pt)>1000:
    print("WELL, not that much")

pt = pt + flag
periodic = True

while periodic:
    lfsr_len = [random.randint(4,6) for _ in range(random.randint(9,12))]
    L = [buildLFSR(i) for i in lfsr_len]
    u = 0
    key = b""
    for i in range(len(pt)+65):
        ch = 0
        for j in range(8):
            outvec = [l.clock() for l in L]
            u = (u+sum(outvec))//2
            out = (reduce(lambda i, j: i^j, outvec) ^ u) & 1
            ch += out*pow(2,7-j)
        key += bytes([ch])
    kk = key.hex()
    if kk.count(kk[-6:]) == 1:
        periodic = False

res = xor(key[:-65],pt).hex()


The first variant of the challenge. It has a bug, which leads to an unintended solution. I will describe it briefly.

So, here is an encryption server. It reads some data from user and XORs (data + flag) with some keystream. The data length is limited by 1000 bytes. Obviously, we don’t want to waste our time to XOR it backward, so we will send only zero bytes. We won’t look at the keystream generation, let’s just try to encrypt something.

Our goal is to find a period of the keystream. The server code checks it, but it does it wrong. We will enumerate all keystream suffixes from longest to shortest and count its occurrences:

# send the plaintext to the server and read ciphertext
def encrypt_data(plaintext):
    return ciphertext

plaintext = b'\x00' * 1000
ciphertext = encrypt_data(plaintext)
keystream = bytes_to_bit_string(ciphertext[:1000])

for start in range(1, len(keystream)):
    suffix = keystream[start:]

    if keystream.count(suffix) > 1:
        print(keystream.replace(suffix, '_' * len(suffix)))

Run this code several times and see the occurence:


There are repeating bits! It means that we can decrypt the flag easily: just xor it with some bits from the beginning of the keystream. Example:

plaintext = b'\x00' * 1000
ciphertext = encrypt_data(plaintext)
keystream = bytes_to_bit_string(ciphertext[:1000])
encrypted_flag = bytes_to_bit_string(ciphertext[1000:])

for start in range(1, len(keystream)):
    suffix = keystream[start:]

    if keystream.count(suffix) > 1:
        index = keystream.find(suffix)
        key = keystream[index + len(suffix):]
        flag = xor_bit_strings(encrypted_flag, key)

After some tries the flag will be printed.



Patched version

task title



import random
from functools import reduce
from secret import flag

def xor(a, b):
    return bytes(x^y for x,y in zip(a,b))

class LFSR(object):
    def __init__(self, s, p):
        self.s = s
        self.p = p

    def clock(self):
        out = self.s[0]
        self.s = self.s[1:]+[self.s[0]^self.s[(self.p)[0]]^self.s[(self.p)[1]]]
        return out

def buildLFSR(l):
    return LFSR([int(x) for x in list(bin(random.randint(1,2**l-1))[2:].rjust(l,'0'))], random.sample(range(1,l), k=2))

pt = "Look, a new flag: " + flag
pt = pt.encode()

lfsr_len = [random.randint(4,6) for _ in range(random.randint(9,12))]
L = [buildLFSR(i) for i in lfsr_len]
u = 0
key = b""
for i in range(len(pt)):
    ch = 0
    for j in range(8):
        outvec = [l.clock() for l in L]
        out = (reduce(lambda i, j: i^j, outvec) ^ u) & 1
        u = (u+sum(outvec))//2
        ch += out*pow(2,7-j)
    key += bytes([ch])

res = xor(key,pt).hex()




The second variant of the challenge. The unintended solution was fixed.

Ok, now it became harder. First we notice that we’ve got only a short known plaitext of length 22 (ptm{ is a flag format):

Look, a new flag: ptm{

The stream cipher looks like a combination of a few LFSR ciphers. It’s a well-known fact that the LFSR polynomial can be reconstructed with Berlekamp–Massey algorithm, and the combination of LFSRs can be represented as the single one LFSR. So we could try to run berlekamp_massey on the keystream, but it will fail.

If we look at the code closely, we will notice the small variable $u$ which affects the output bits. It depends on the LFSRs output and changes on the every bit:

$$ u = \dfrac{u + \sum{\text{outvec}}}{2} $$

It looks like something like a carry! And we’re catching a flashback immediately: this is a FCSR cipher.

After some searching we can find a paper Register Synthesis for Algebraic Feedback Shift Registers Based on Non-Primes by Andrew Klapper and Jinzhong Xu. It suggests an algorithm to reconstruct the FCSR:


It requires operation with p-adic numbers. So I thought it’s too tricky to implement and found another paper Cryptanalysis Based on 2-Adic Rational Approximation by Andrew Klapper and Mark Goresky. Their algorithm works with 2-adic numbers, that is ordinary numbers built from bits:


Looks easy to implement, so let’s do it! I will use sage:

def algorithm(stream):
    a = [None] * (len(stream) + 1)
    k = 1

    a[k - 1] = 1
    alpha = a[k - 1] * 2^(k - 1)

    f = (0, 2)
    g = (2^(k - 1), 1)

    def func(h):
        return alpha * h[1] - h[0]

    def add(x, y):
        return (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1])

    def multiply(x, y):
        return (x[0] * y, x[1] * y)

    def big_f(x):
        return max(abs(x[0]), abs(x[1]))

    def find_d(func):
        min_d, min_result = None, 1 << 1024

        for d in range(-10001, 10001 + 1, 2):
            if d == 0:

            result = func(d)

            if abs(result) < min_result:
                min_d, min_result = d, abs(result)

        return min_d

    for bit in stream:
        a[k] = bit
        alpha += a[k] * 2^k

        if func(g) % (2^(k + 1)) == 0:
            f = multiply(f, 2)
        elif big_f(g) < big_f(f):
            d = find_d(lambda d: big_f(add(f, multiply(g, d))))
            g, f = add(f, multiply(g, d)), multiply(g, 2)
            d = find_d(lambda d: big_f(add(g, multiply(f, d))))
            g, f = add(g, multiply(f, d)), multiply(f, 2)
        k += 1

    return g

For the given keystream it returns

(-6658610176590470404853021, 1036253257551142714799835)

Now we need to reconstruct FCSR using p-adic numbers divison. Example script:

plaintext = b'Look, a new flag: ptm{'
ciphertext = bytes.fromhex('d51664d413ba62984baf680bf98d9cf797f6da473adb19cd041220ae25cc0a9e7cdce8588f26862cc2d270d9373c17db678d69ffb4280371927cf9144c0bbd526c721d54c3c8f1de1f3fa6e5c84ece35c1')

pt_bits = bytes_to_bits(plaintext)
ct_bits = bytes_to_bits(ciphertext)

keystream = xor_bits(pt_bits, ct_bits)

u, v = algorithm(keystream)

precision = len(ct_bits) + 1
Z = Zp(2, prec=precision)
approximation = Z(u) / Z(v)
key_bits = [int(approximation[i]) for i in range(precision)]

flag = xor_bits(key_bits[1:], ct_bits)


Look, a new flag: ptm{n0w_r3p0r7_7h3_53c0nd_un1n73nd3d_70_@mr96_1cdf85df0860893c}